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Exercise 1: Night

Exercise 1.5: Circuit City

Exercise 2: Overgrowth

Exercise 3: The Mountain

Exercise 5: Taught a Dog Some Tricks

Exercise 6: The Fire Goddess

Exercise 7: End of the world

Exercise 8: Dust Covered Cavern

Project 1: Tree of thought

Reach for the Sky,
Thin the Veil
Lately, I've been listening to songs that reference floating in the sky. Along with these songs, I often get a vivid image in my head of what I see.
So I decided to have a piece that conveys what I imagine when I listen to these songs.
The person in the sky is wearing a yellow dress and is brightly lit to represent both the sun, and the sky.
I intentionally made the first half seem more heavenly and impossible realistically.
The person on the bottom is reaching for the sky in a grounded and realistic environment. This could very well happen in your backyard.
However, the veil between the sky and the ground is meant to collide as the two figures reach to hold each other's hands.
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