Jessica's time in the Limbo
Jessica dragged her body across the island, struggling against her own strength as to reach a goal she was fruitlessly reaching for. Her body had started not so long ago become unrecognizable. Out of sheer exhaustion, her arms lost their strength, and Jessica fell.
She wasn’t always like this. These changes didn’t immediately start when she found herself in this strange land, at least, to her eyes.
When Jessica found herself in this Limbo world, she was in a dense world of thorny plant life that was near impossible to traverse. Eventually, she managed to escape the thorn world and see the Limbo as itself in its entirety. Masses of floating islands, the sky an unnatural color, the void of nothing that one could too easily fall into.
Looting old forgotten buildings, traversing it’s unusual landscape, escaping the numerous monsters that uttered sounds barely resembling language, Jessica managed to survive in the Limbo for quite a while.
However, that was when her changes began.
Jessica noticed that her skin became a sickly gray. Something sharp grew along her arms, her spine followed suit not long after. Her hair even went as far as to grow what she could only assume where rose petals. Jessica didn’t need to be a genius to realize what happened to those muttering monsters. Despite her realization, those changes did not cease.
Now? Jessica was without hope. She laid on the ground, thinking about her choices in life. What did she do to deserve this? All Jessica did was work towards her wants, to achieve a family, become financially stable, have a few backup plans. Maybe she was a little mean towards some people, but it was for the greater good! Was it so much to ask to not succumb to such an unfortunate state? Did she really deserve this?
Jessica started to close her eyes, if only she had a second chance, she could’ve fixed her mistakes.
A particular green haired god floated near Jessica’s still body, and placed a hand on her shoulder, wary of her thorns. This god could tell that the human about to become monster, felt that she did not deserve her fate. Felicity, being the god of luck, second chances, and justice, could not move on without fulfilling her very nature.
Felicity started to cast a spell. This spell wasn’t one of her natural power of godhood, even though she would enhance it. The Limbo was already a magical place, and while someone, mortal or not, was in the Limbo, they could cast the spell of restoring their form, the spell of memories.
The cost would be minimal to Felicity, only a few mere moments to her immortal life, but it was enough to restore Jessica’s form back to that of a human.
Jessica’s eyes widened as she realized what had happened to her. She sat up and glanced at her arms, now bare of abnormalities. Jessica looked up to see her savior, just now finished the spell.
Jessica didn’t often think much of people or their achievements, not many could compare to what she alone could do, but this otherworldly being had just an immense presence, and knew something that she didn’t. Jessica stared in awe of what this god did.
“Who- w-what are you?” Was all Jessica could say.
The dual colored god floated down to Jessica’s level. “I am named Felicity, the god of these lands.”
A god? Jessica thought. Could she become one?
“I- thank you! I don’t know how to repay you.”
“My work isn’t over yet” Felicity spoke as she placed a hand on Jessica’s cheek. “if I leave you now as is, you’ll only become a monster as before”
Jessica pushed her eyebrows together and grinned. “well, surely you can follow me around to protect myself from… that can you?”
Felicity frowned. “unfortunately, I cannot follow your every footstep, les I ignore others in need.”
Jessica fell to her hands “you can’t?!” She pushed her worried tone, and looked up “isn’t there something you can do?”
Felicity initially looked tense, before resuming a calm face “… there is something I can teach you.”
She placed a hand on Jessica’s head. “with a strong enough intention, you can grab a memory from one’s mind” Felicity pulled out a multi colored shimmering pellet. “With that same intention, aim it at your image of yourself” Felicity placed back the pellet into Jessica’s head, “and crush the memory. Only then can you restore your form.”
Jessica was almost insulted that she would’ve had to use her own memories, but then she realized to note both the wording and the example played in front of her. It didn’t have to be HER memories. A smile of excitement creeped onto her mouth.
“Thank you!” Jessica cried, “what can I do to repay you?”
Felicity smiled. “Believe in me, and my power will grow.”
Jessica knew she got lucky, perhaps it was from the power of Felicity herself. If all she had to do was believe in this god, then maybe some of that power will aid her again. If gods do exist in this world, then there was likey a way to become one. She would need to learn how, of course, but Jessica had a new goal in mind. Why shouldn’t she break a few eggs to gain this power? All she needed was some eggs to crack.